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Know Your Employees
The government in the United States – at the national, state, and local level – is designed to work for its citizens. Officials are elected to serve the interests and concerns of the people and the communities they represent. For our governments to work well, you have to know who your officials are, what they are charged with doing, and how they are carrying out their jobs. We want to make sure everyone in the state of Florida understands what their elected officials do and should be doing for them.
To Register to Vote, You Must:Be a citizen of the United States of America; Be a legal resident of Florida; Be a legal resident of the county in which you seek to be registered; Not be a person who has been adjudicated mentally incapacitated with respect to voting in Florida or any other state without having the right to vote restored; and Not be a person convicted of a felony without having your right to vote restored. Complete a voter registration application (QR Code) Provide the last 4 digits of your social security number.
You Must Provide One of the Following Forms of ID:Florida driver’s license Florida identification card US passport Debit or credit card Military ID Student ID Retirement center ID Neighborhood association ID Public assistance ID Veteran health identification card issued by U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Concealed weapon permit issued in Florida Employee identification card issued by any branch, department, agency of entity of the Federal Government, the state, a county, or a municipality.
If You Do Not Have the Above Forms of ID, You Can Provide:Utility bill Bank statement Government check Paycheck Other government document
If You Do Not You Know Your Registration StatusFind registration status: (QR) Find key election dates and info (QR) Community calendar (QR)
If You Do Know Your Registration Status:Find key election dates and info (QR) Community Calendar (QR)
Employee Org Chart: Who Works For You

Employee Org Chart: Who Works for Me?
Employee Evaluations: How Are They Doing?
Staff Directory: How Can I Contact My Employees?
Hiring and Firing: How to Keep the Good Ones and Replace the Bad Ones
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