Meet the Board

Lynn Sherman
Board Chairwoman
"It is unfair that Black lives continue to be devalued and over-criminalized simply because they are Black because the dehumanizing myth of racial difference endures today."

Maira Martelo, Ed.D.
Vice Chairwoman
"Racial justice matters because it's the only way we will make real progress in this country. We need to see each other with our assets and not only with our challenges."

Tammi McGriff
"Racial justice matters because equity and equality matter."

Jametoria Burton, Ed.D.
"We live in a diverse society and we all come from different experiences. In order for racial understanding and racial healing to take place, racial justice, equity, and inclusion must be at the center of our efforts."

Trey Csar
Board Member
"The world, and all of us in it, miss out on a lot when we discount the contributions and potential contributions of broad segments of society. The world is a better place when we can truly value and appreciate the unique gifts we all have to offer, and everyone is enriched when everyone can be fully present in society."

Aysia Gilbert
Board Member
"My entire life, I was taught the idea that all people have equal opportunity and access to the future they desire. However, that is simply not the case. I believe that all people deserve the equal right of humanity with no strings or stipulations attached."

Alicia Somers
"We live in a culture that teaches us that prosperity is a zero-sum game, but the truth is that unless we are all free, none of us are free. Until we are all safe, none of us are safe. Until we are all well, none of us are well."
"Racism, both as it currently exists and the legacy of past racism, hurts people and prevents everyone from reaching their full potential. If we can end racism, we can make great strides toward becoming a community and a world where everyone can have "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
Board Member
Deirdre Conner

Patrick Griggs
Board Member
"Racial justice matters because it is a human matter."

David Jamison, Ph.D.
Board Member
"We live in a culture that teaches us that prosperity is a zero-sum game, but the truth is that unless we are all free, none of us are free. Until we are all safe, none of us are safe. Until we are all well, none of us are well."
Melanie Patz
Board Member
"If one of us experiences injustice, we all are impacted; contribution - building a great society requires every person's cocomplete contribution and will not be accomplished if only half of society is allowed to participate."